Phone: 303-982-6727 Phone: 303-982-2292. It is the district's policy to make Jeffco Public Schools buildings and facilities available to the community when not in use for school activities. ESL/Dual Language Department includes ESL (English as a Second Language) Programming, Dual Language Education., Translation and Interpretation Services plus Adult ESL & Literacy for over 4500 multilingual learners and over 145 different languages. Email: [emailprotected]. Phone: 303-982-6682 Address: 1829 Denver West #27, Golden,CO 80401 Phone: 303-982-2443 Address: 1829 Denver West Golden, #27, CO 80401 Fax: 303-982-7264. Phone: 303-982-6768 In addition, the department provides one-on-one assistance to employees regarding payroll issues and questions. The purpose of Title I, Part A is to provide resources to schools and districts to ensure that all children have a fair, equitable, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and close educational achievement gaps. Business Operations is responsible for the support services of the district including: Construction Management, Food and Nutrition Services, Facilities Management (Custodial, Facilities Services, Environmental Services), Facilities Planning and Design, Safety and Security, Student Transportation and Fleet Maintenance. The compliance and assurance section of the budget department provides direct support to school secretaries through the School Accounting Support Team (SAST) and handles grant accounting support to schools and departments including to accurate and timely processing of financial reporting and analysis of cash flows, and transactions related to requests and disbursement of grant monies. The mission of the Department of Facilities Planning and Construction Management is to provide the professional expertise, information, and leadership necessary to plan, design, and construct efficient safe and sound learning environments that support the District's Mission of providing a quality education that prepares all children for a successful future. School nurses have specialized training and expertise in prevention, health promotion and management of health concerns. Fax: 303-982-6816 The team at student services works to support the following across the district: The work in this department aligns with those parts of the Jeffco 2020 Vision that address welcoming learning environment, safe/respectful/orderly schools, the development of life-long learning skills, parental involvement, community partnerships and helping students successfully transition to one phase of life to the next. Phone: 303-982-0375 West Transportation:303-982-5215 Fax: 303-982-6977. Fax: 303-982-2236. School nurses have specialized training and expertise in prevention, health promotion and management of health concerns. Our team includes: PLC Networks, Learning Labs for Educators, Instructional Coaches, & Administrators, Induction for New Educators, Principals, & Central Team Members, Instructional Coaching based at schools, Onboarding for New Principals & Central Team Members, and AP Professional Learning. The planetarium works closely with the district's science and social studies teams to develop programs that meet district curriculum goals. The IT division's major services areas include infrastructure & network, enterprise client management, school based site support, educational technologies, a centralized service center, device support and repair, business technology services, student technology services, information security, integration and identity services, enterprise data warehouse, and digital media tools. Address: 1829 Denver West Golden, #27, CO 80401 In addition, they oversee school management and respond to parent/guardian and community member concerns, monitor and evaluate school effectiveness, student achievement, and implementation of curriculum. Working together as a team, these divisions are responsible for a wide variety of facility projects. Find us on Peachjar; Donate MENU. IDS also provides instructional program evaluation, internal studies and external research requests. Jefferson Countys K-12 Social Studies curriculum is based on the Colorado State Model Content Standards for these four areas. Main Office; Position: Name: Email: Voicemail: Principal: Tracy Krug [email protected] 303-982-9922: Coach: Lynda Taylor [email protected] 303-982-9777: Principal Secretary: Rosie Merelli Jeffco Public Schools has The Information Technology (IT) division supports the districts mission and vision by providing technology based services and support focused on digital equity, enabling secure and effective data culture, and future-focused sustainability. Address: 1829 Denver West Golden, #27, CO 80401 The elementary and middle school curriculums are designed to address all four sets of standards and the high school curriculum is based on individual courses based on one of the four sets of standards. WebJeffco Public Schools has several programs serving adults. Phone: 303-982-0965, District Accountability Committee Archive, Indian Education Parent Advisory Committee, Technology and Data Privacy Advisory Committee, Closures, Remote Learning Days, & Delayed Start, Regional Opportunities for Thriving Schools, Education Leadership Organizational Chart, Secondary Electives - Arts, Theater, World Languages, Music, PE, Digital Citizenship - What Students Are Learning, Become a Member of Transportation & Fleet Services, Kids Eat Free Summer Food Service Program, Student Accident Insurance (K&K Insurance), Security, Alerts, and Emergency Notifications, McLain Community High School Adult Program, Supports For Students Who Are Truant Or In The Court System, Bringing Community and Education Together, Career Links Team Honored by Arvada Works, 200 Students Participate in Industry Interviews, Junior Achievement New Virtual Programming, Bringing Industry into the Classroom via Zoom, Transportation and Construction Girl Week, 2021 High School Construction Hiring Event, United Airlines Aviation Technician Info Session, Family, School and Community Partnerships, Community and Family Connections Resources, Early Access to Kindergarten and 1st Grade. MEP utilizes these grants to provide additional educational opportunities for migrant children in order for them to: Address: 1829 Denver West #27, Golden, CO 80401 Email: [emailprotected]. Each school's management plan is available at the school, and plans for all district buildings are on file at the Jeffco Public Schools' Office of Environmental Services, 809 Quail St., Building 4, Lakewood. IDS also provides instructional program evaluation, internal studies and external research requests. Phone: 303-982-2242 Beginning with the graduating class of 2013, Jefferson County students will be required to take 3.5 credits in social studies to graduate. Administrative Directory 2021-22 Jefferson County Public Schools TM Myra Pugh, Staff Representative Sheila Brooks, Staff Representative 4315 Preston Highway, Suite 101 JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Academy @ Shawnee (590) 4001 Herman Street, 40212 485-8326; 531-2851 Email: [emailprotected]. Jeffco Public Schools. Healthy Schools Colorado has funded Jeffco Public Schools to utilize the Coordinated School Health (CSH) Model in schools and to support efforts related to physical activity, nutrition and chronic disease management. Phone: 303-982-2811 Phone: 303-982-6808 Phone: 303-982-6800 The team supports students who have experienced out of home placement through supports such as Fostering Opportunities. Phone: 303-982-8338. Fax: 303-982-6977. Phone: 303-982-2352 The payroll department is responsible for processing pay adjustments, leaves, terminations, garnishments, and other employee actions affecting pay. Address: 1829 Denver West, #27, 3rd Floor, Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-982-6853. ERD supports available to you: ERD Supports Available, Address: 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden, CO 80401 McLain High School has a program serving adult students who are interested in earning a high school diploma. Fax: 303-982-6676. While HIP cannot replace the classroom experience, unique accommodations are developed to provide educational support for each student. Health education focuses on personal decision-making around emotional and social well-being, positive communication, healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco, drug, and alcohol abuse prevention and violence prevention. The Health Services team strives to remove barriers due to health concerns to encourage educational engagement by providing high quality nursing and health services to support and advocate for student health needs in close collaboration with families, staff and the community. Jeffco Public Schools has been providing educational excellence since 1950. Phone: 303-982-1995 Approximately 40,000 students attend the planetarium each year. Phone: 303-982-6385 Fax: 303-982-2400. Phone: 303-982-6800 The Facilities Service Desk is a support group within Facilities, providing support to the operations of Custodial Services, Environmental Services, Building Maintenance, Site Maintenance, and the Facilities Service Desk. The Professional Learning Team supports, coordinates, and helps to communicate the learning of our Central, Administrator, Educator, and Education Support Professionals (ESPs) in our system. Beginning with the graduating class of 2013, Jefferson County students will be required to take 3.5 credits in social studies to graduate. Address: 809 Quail St. Lakewood, CO 80215 Financial services is responsible for leading, advising and consulting with the school district, government entities, citizens, and professional organizations on financial issues. Address: 809 Quail St, Bldg #4, Lakewood, CO 80215 District Role: Oversee the district's compliance with state and federal environmental regulations, serve as liaison to environmental regulatory agencies, communicate and coordinate compliance activities with schools and supporting departments. Address: 1829 Denver West Blvd., Golden, CO 80401 In addition, Career Links will support the work-based learning opportunities for students to ensure that their experiences are connected to their learning targets. Address: 1829 Denver West Bldg 27, Golden,CO 80401 Phone: 303-982-2443 SWAP is a partnership between Jeffco Schools and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Through our work, it is the goal of student services to help all students thrive. The office mission is to lead continuous school improvement by monitoring and evaluating school effectiveness, student achievement and implementation of curriculum. The program's resources are allocated based upon the poverty rate. ERD supports available to you: ERD Supports Available, Address: 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden, CO 80401 The internal auditor reports to the Finance Director and works closely with the chief school innovation and effectiveness officer, achievement directors and principals to ensure that follow up on any audit findings is adequate and proactive in enforcement of policies and strengthening of internal controls. Staff Websites & Directory. 303-982-7749 Lee, Gabbie Room 205 - SLP The Legal Services & Employee Relations Department provides support and guidance to all schools and departments throughout the district. Fax: 303-982-7264, Address: 13950 W. 20th Avenue, Golden, CO 80401 The Community and Family Connections program (formerly Homeless and Medicaid Services) provides comprehensive support to students experiencing homelessness in Jefferson County through identification and assessment of individual need. The enrollment services team provides support for school staff and families around enrollment, and manages the EnrollJeffco system. Phone: 303-982-6592 Community and Family Connections provides comprehensive support to students experiencing homelessness in Jefferson County through identification and assessment of individual need. It also includes life experiences and personal attributes that can enhance the scholarly and learning environment, openness, and awareness of the spectrum of values and backgrounds that enrich our environment. The district uses SmartFind Express to manage guest teacher assignments. Address: 1829 Denver West Dr., Golden, CO 80401 Address: 1829 Denver West Dr., Golden, CO 80401 Financial services is responsible for conducting school and department audits and ensuring compliance with district financial policies and procedures as well as federal, state and local regulations. Social Studies is comprised of the major social science disciplines of Civics, Economics, Geography and History. This department assists with state accountability processes including School Performance Frameworks, Unified Improvement Plans and Requests to Reconsider school ratings. Address: 581 Conference Place, Golden, CO 80401 In addition to the options listed in the side menu (AP & IB, Career & Technical Education, Concurrent Enrollment, and STEM), read below to find out about additional schools and programs. Phone: 303-982-6773 Fax: 303-982-6278. Fax: 303-982-0466. Alameda International Jr./Sr. The mailroom also does the metering for outgoing mail and delivers to the U.S. Post Office daily. Fax: 303-982-7264. Address: 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden, CO 80401 Email: [emailprotected]. Fax: 303-982-6816 Fax: 303-982-6778 We support, develop, and implement policies and practices that encourage 21st century skills and respond to the diverse gifts and talents in learners from all cultures, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic groups. A 33-year-old man drew a 10-year sentence in the Department of Corrections after his guilty plea for trafficking a minor for sexual servitude. Oct 5 Family Learning Presentation: video! The team supports students who have experienced out of home placement through supports such as Fostering Opportunities. The mailroom is responsible for sorting and delivering first class mail and interoffice mail to 12 district offices and various schools during the school year. Jeffco Public Schools kindergarten programs provide developmentally appropriate education for 5 and 6 year olds. Address: 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden, CO 80401 The planetarium was constructed in 1963 with a grant from the National Science Foundation as part of an effort to boost science education and awareness in students. Email: [emailprotected], The Chief Academic Officer is responsible for the Educational Research & Design (ERD) Department. The team handles legal questions and issues that arise within Jefferson County for both internal and external stakeholders while supporting the Jeffco 2020 Vision. Our Security staff are at work 24 hours a day protecting our schools. Other responsibilities of the team include generating year-end tax forms, reconciling withholding accounts, establishing payroll policies and procedures, and maintaining employee payroll records and reports required by the Jefferson County School District, State and Federal governmental agencies. Address: 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden, CO 80401 The goal of NAEP is to support educational success and increase belonging through the use of culturally responsive practices with Native and Indigenous students and families. - Excerpted from Principles and Standards for School Mathematics 2000 NCTM, Address: 1829 Denver West, Golden, CO 80401 The Food and Nutrition Services Department is responsible for the production and service of safe, healthy and nutritious foods to meet the diversified needs of the district's 70,000 plus school-aged children providing fuel for the learning experience. They serve as a link between the schools, the community, and the district. Address: 1829 Denver West, Golden, CO 80401 Jeffco SAE strives to provide a true enrichment program in which we plan very intentionally for learning experiences in the out-of-school hours to support the success of students. Name. By nurturing potential through challenging, meaningful and respectful learning experiences, we support creative producers, responsible problem solvers and autonomous learners in a global community. All of the planetarium programs are aligned with local, state and national standards. Administrative costs associated with the implementation of the grant must be compared to the benefit of obtaining the grant to ensure that the majority of funds are spent to support students and their achievement. ESL and Dual Language staff consist of administrators, ESL/DL Resource Teachers, Elementary & Secondary ESL teachers and tutors, who provide and support instruction in all district schools. Office Staff. Address: 1829 Denver West Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-982-6278. Direct support is provided in the following areas: Address: 1829 Denver West Golden, CO 80401 Through collaboration with families and community agencies, learning opportunities are individually developed to support youth in progressing towards desired post-secondary goals. The Medicaid program is now part of The Community and Family Connections program. Address: 809 Quail St. Bldg 4, Lakewood, CO 80215 Address: 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden, CO 80401 Address: 1829 Denver West Golden, CO 80401 Phone: 303-982-6436. Email. Fax: 303-982-7264, Address: 13950 W. 20th Avenue, Golden, CO 80401 Our Security staff are at work 24 hours a day protecting our schools. Address: 1829 Denver West Golden, CO 80401 Jefferson County's mission statement declares that we will "provide a quality education that prepares all students for a successful future." In the summer we expand and deliver to schools district wide. The Facilities Service Desk is a support group within Facilities, providing support to the operations of Custodial Services, Environmental Services, Building Maintenance, Site Maintenance, and the Facilities Service Desk. Position/Name: Voice Mail: Email Address: Administrators: Kristina Carothers Principal: 303-982-6472 The purchasing department insures that the products and services needed to operate Jeffco schools and departments meet the standards of the district and are purchased at the best value. D'Evelyn Staff. Central Transportation: 303-982-2324 We are committed to cultivating a values based culture in which #TeamJeffco thrives. Address: 1829 Denver West, Golden, CO 80401 Phone / VM. guest teachers, performance management,) and HR Operations teams. A new staff directory is in process. The ultimate goal of health education in Jeffco is to empower students to be health and wellness advocates for themselves and others.. Fax: 303-982-0836. Fax: 303-982-6977. This unique program is available to students who are enrolled in a Jefferson County Public School, but is not a component of the Special Education Home Instruction Program (RECONNECT), Home Based, or Home School Programs. Phone: 303-982-6505. Address: 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden, CO 80401 Phone: 303-982-6515 Fax: 303-982-1742. Working with Construction Management, Facilities Planning & Property is responsible for the District's master planning and site/facility capital improvement planning, including management and maintenance of permanent facility and real estate property records. Budget management is responsible for preparing the district's annual budget, tracking expenditures and managing cash flow, banking and investments for the district. Fax: 303-982-6993. Jeffco Schools' Educational Research and Design Gifted and Talented team supports and engages in research and professional development, community outreach, advocacy, communication, and collaboration with all stakeholders to improve the quality of education for all learners. We prioritize facility improvements and maintain an archives database that houses drawings and specifications for all of our facilities. Our goal is to provide resources and tools in order to build connections between classrooms and careers. Fax: 303-982-2400. Staff Directory 2022-23. The Professional Learning Team believes in supporting and strengthening teaching and learning through ongoing, symmetrical and proven best practices that result in powerful learning experiences for educators and students. Dropout Prevention and Reengagement is a unit within the Student Engagement Office dedicated to re-engaging students who are at-risk of dropping out or who have dropped out of school. A statement from the 17th Judicial District . Electricity, natural gas, water, and sewer costs are monitored and analyzed to develop additional strategies for savings. Phone: 303-982-6644 The Chief Academic Officer also manages the Jeffco Public Schools' District Calendars. Phone: 303-982-6592 Jeffco Public Schools is dedicated to preparing all students in Jefferson County for careers and lifelong learning. Based on our belief that all students can reach high levels of learning, we envision early childhood centers that honor and respect children and empower them to: develop their own unique personality and sense of self; learn at their own pace given instruction in their individual zone of proximal development; live in a place of intellectual challenge, to actively explore, investigate, make mistakes and gain understanding of their world; build strong, positive relationships with others; develop and demonstrate empathy and caring for others; learn to love to learn! As a district-wide support, HIP is not a stand-alone program and relies upon the direction and support of the home school to provide instructional materials, assignments, and all tests. Email: [emailprotected]. The department also provides enrollment and outreach for Medicaid and CHP+ health insurance. Phone: 303-982-2292. The internal auditor also supports the activities of the School Accounting Support Team and plays a lead role in recommendations for training principals and school secretaries with regard to financial services procedures. We ensure that projects align with educational specifications, technical guidelines, schedule, and budget, and conform to contract documents while meeting the needs of the students and community. Phone: 303-982-2279 The Jefferson County School Age Enrollment Program (SAE) provides quality before and after school services in elementary schools throughout the district. The Homebound Instruction Program (HIP) is designed to serve students who are unable to attend school for an extended time because of a physical and/or emotional health concern. Phone: 303-982-6544 Fax: 303-982-6993. Address: 10801 W. 44th Ave, Wheat Ridge, 80033 Dutch Creek Elementary School 7304 W. Roxbury Pl. Address: 1829 Denver West, Golden, CO 80401 The Division of Student Success strives to ensure our students, schools, families, and community have the needed and required resources, support, and services to thrive and prepare all Jeffco students for bright and successful futures. Instructional Data Reporting is responsible for providing internal, state, and federal student reporting including October Count, Free and Reduced Rates, Graduation Rates, Completion Rates, Dropout Rates, Mobility Rates, Discipline Counts, Attendance and Truancy Rates, and the Office of Civil Rights Data Collection. Email: [emailprotected]. January 26, 2022 Parent/Family Learning Night, October 4, 2022 Parent/Family Learning Night, Online GT Classes for Middle School Students, October 5, 2021 GT Parent/Family Learning Night, March 9, 2022 Parent/Family Learning Night, Jeffco Writing Challenge/I love to Read Contest, Adapted Physical Education Remote Learning, Special Education Center-Based Programming, Code of Conduct (Student Family Handbook), 1829 Denver West, Bldg #27, Golden, CO 80401, 1829 Denver West Drive #27, Golden, Colorado 80401. Address: 1829 Denver West, Golden, CO 80401 Phone: 303-982-2349 The mission of Community and Family Connections is to foster quality education by providing one-on-one assistance with basic needs, prompting close working relationships between families and school district personnel, and encouraging collaboration between the school district and community agencies. Ensure a safe and healthy environment for learning, promote sound ecological management of District resources and reduce liability by facilitating compliance to regulatory mandates. English; Math; SWAP provides job seeking skills and job development for youth ages 15-24 years who have a barrier to employment. : 303-982-6768 in addition, the department also provides enrollment and outreach for Medicaid and CHP+ insurance... Placement through supports such as Fostering Opportunities students experiencing homelessness in Jefferson for... Programs provide developmentally appropriate education for 5 and 6 year olds comprised of the Community and Family Connections program take! The Community, and the district 's science and social studies teams to programs... And issues that arise within Jefferson County through identification and assessment of individual need evaluation, studies... Creek Elementary school 7304 W. 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